

Module 1

3 lessons

Introduction to Bland

This module provides an overview of Bland, covering its purpose, key functionalities, and overall architecture. Students will become familiar with the terminology used in the platform and its basic operations.

  1. Understand the purpose and capabilities of Bland.

  2. Familiarize yourself with the Bland interface and key components.

  3. Grasp the basic operations available within Bland.

Module 3

3 lessons

Deep-Dive Into Pathways

This modules provides a comprehensive understanding of how pathways configure the AI (or agent’s) behavior during phone calls.


• Define what a Pathway is and explain its significance within Bland AI

• Guide learners through the process of creating a basic Pathway

• Introduce advanced features such as webhooks and custom tools for enhanced Pathway functionality

• Provide real-world case studies and best practices to help learners design and implement efficient Pathways

• Equip learners with the knowledge to test, refine, and optimize Pathways for improved performance and user experience

Module 6

3 lessons

Correcting Pathway and Prompt Issues

This module explores how you can quickly improve and iterate on your Pathways

  • Improve on prompts

  • Create better integrations

  • Learn about common mistakes and best ways to fix them

Module 7

6 lessons

A Customer Service System

Welcome to Module 5, where we will take all of the fundamentals from the previous modules and put them to the test on a real-world problem that a Bland customer might face.

  • Set up a pathway structure and define node types and conditional paths

  • Fine-tune nodes based on customer data

  • Create custom tools to interact with a customer support ticketing system

  • Build a system for post-call analysis

  • Use analytics to create a feedback loop and troubleshoot issues as they arise


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