Lesson 3
Introduction to Bland Operations
This lesson provides an overview of the basic operations available in Bland, setting the foundation for deeper exploration in subsequent modules.
Identify and describe the basic operations in Bland.
Understand the workflow of performing basic operations.
Navigate to different sections to perform these operations.
In the previous lesson, you learned the key terminologies in Bland. This lesson will cover performing those operations within the Bland web interface.
Make a Simple Call
First, navigate to your dashboard. Then open the side panel and click on “Send Call”. You should see the interface below.
To try it out. Input your phone number in the text box that looks like this.
Next, click on one of the premade prompts - for example, “Small business”. In the template, the AI would have the name Sarah. The AI will try to get answers to the four questions listed below.
Once you’ve set your prompt, scroll down to see more options. Notice the voice options like so.
You can play each one to figure out what suits the call. Pick Alexa for example. You can scroll down to configure more options, but for now the basics are all set. Click on “Send Call” on the bottom.
Create a Conversational Pathway from a Template
Conversational Pathways are similar to a call script. They allow you to program different flows based how the conversation is going. You can think of them like highly functional flow-charts. This section will walk you through creating your first Conversational Pathway from a Template.
Open the sidebar and go to the “Conversational Pathways” section.
You’ll see the list of “Starter Pathways” like in the image below.
Click on “Duplicate Template”. This allows you to start with a “Restaurant Reservation.”
Next, you’ll see these input boxes. Give it a name and description and then click on “Duplicate Pathway”.
To try it out, open the Conversational Pathway you just created by clicking on “Edit Pathway ”Next press the “Test Pathway” button and then, the purple “Test Pathway”.

This opens up a chat dialog for you to message directly with your Agent.
Perform a Call Using a Conversational Pathway
To perform a call using the Conversational Pathway, press the “Send Call Now” button. Enter a phone number and scroll down to press “Send Call”.
In a few seconds, you’ll receive a call.
Well done!
Try Out Different Voices
Open the side navigation and click on “Voices”. You will see the lists of Bland voices, public voices, and cloned voices.
Go ahead and play each of them to figure out which voice suits your calls. Press “Play” on one of the voices and you’ll hear a familiar phrase:
“Hey there, this is Blandie. How are you doing today?”
You can customize what they are saying by clicking on the “Customize TTS Text” button.
Once you’ve inputted the text that you want to hear, choose a voice and again click on “Play”.
That’s it! you’ve finished the last lesson of this module. Great job!