A Customer Service System

Welcome to Module 7, where we will take all of the fundamentals of Bland and put them into practice.


  • Devise a strategy to approach an enterprise level problem 

  • Set up a pathway structure and define node types and conditional paths

  • Fine-tune nodes based on customer data

  • Create custom tools to interact with a customer support ticketing system

  • Build a system for post-call analysis

  • Use analytics to create a feedback loop and troubleshoot issues as they arise

The Problem

SaltyEvents is our fictional startup, and They have a major customer service problem. As the fastest growing conference and event organizer in the world at any given moment, their staff is managing events in multiple time zones for tens of thousands of attendees. The current structure of their support lines cause issues for both their attendees and vendors.

Here are a few of the problems their team faces every day.

  1. Attendees calling for basic information on an event (accommodations, event pricing, etc.)

  2. Vendors calling to schedule deliveries of equipment and coordinate their exhibits

  3. Venues calling to request additional services or urgent live event support 

  4. Calling all attendees of a given event to get feedback

In the rest of this module, we will architect an automated phone solution for SaltyEvents using a Bland Conversational Pathway.


    Lesson 0: 

    Before we start building our pathway inside the Bland Conversational Pathways Editor Interface, let’s break our problem down into manageable components and, ultimately, sub-pathways.

    Avatars of Support Callers

    There are three types of callers we can expect:

    • Attendees (customers who attend events)

    • Vendors and exhibitors (companies putting on the events)

    • Venue staff and hosts (administrators venues)

    The first thing our agent will need to do is determine which of these three types of person is calling.

    Attendee Issues

    Attendees of events have several common needs our agents can easily resolve.

    • Purchase tickets to an event

    • Get general information on an event

    Vendor Issues

    Our agents will be able to handle the following requests from vendors: 

    • Give them info about their current booth space and scheduling information

    • Open support tickets when a vendor is having a technical issue with the website for event management

    • Identify a new prospective vendor and pass them to a sales associate

    Host Issues

    Hosts of Venues can be incredibly demanding on Event staff.  SaltyEvents hosts:

    • Call and confirm information about specific venues

    • Need immediate support for ongoing events

    • Often inquire about future event hosting

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